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Benchmark 4: Academic Infrastructure

Benchmark 4

The Early College High School (ECHS) must provide a rigorous course of study that allows students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and enable a student to combine high school courses and college-level courses with the goal of earning an associate degree or up to 60 semester credit hours toward a baccalaureate degree.

4.3 Course Sequence:

60 College Credit Hours Crosswalk

San Elizario ECHS Crosswalk

Master Schedules

SEECHS Proposed Master Schedule 2024-2025

4.7 College Readiness:

Calendar of TSIA Test Administration Dates

TSIA Plan 2024-2025

SEECH Benchmark 4 TSIA Test and Tutoring

Reports of TSIA Exam Performance

SEECHS Aggregate TSIA2 Performance Data Report

Professional Learning Community Agendas and Notes

SEECHS PLC Protocol Guide

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